KAMADIA – The American Era is Dead. What led to its premature death and can it be resurrected? (Essay)

"The American Era had been buried. Donald Trump's presidency represented its eulogy. The questions that Americans faced were clear: what led to a premature death and could an American era be resurrected?" writes Aly Kamadia, Editor In Chief of iDose (Sept 18th, 2019)

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What should you be eating? Here’s what science has to say

"Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds? Do you want science-based information about diet but don't know whom or what to believe? If you're nodding in agreement, you're not alone," writes P.K. Newby, Harvard University (Sept 18th, 2019)

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Is Artificial Intelligence overhyped?

"It might seem strange that matching a baby is considered a grand challenge for AI, but this reflects the gulf between AI's success in specific, narrow domains and more general, robust intelligence," writes Melanie Mitchell, Portland State University (Sept 18th, 2019)

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Very Quick Thought ($$$ in AI)

Can you make serious money investing in AI? (A very quick response from Kamadia, iDose Editor In Chief, Sept 18th, 2019)

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