Very Quick Thought ($$$ in AI)

Very Quick Thought ($$$ in AI)

Can you make serious money by investing in AI?

Yes. Actually, HELL YEAH!

Though it’s a very tricky game. Ruthlessly competitive, with countless people trying to get a small piece. It’s tough enough when there are a bunch of people advertising themselves as experts and trying to get your $ (sometimes they show you the book they wrote on AI, which is usually thoughts that have been regurgitated a Zillion times elsewhere). But this is a game where well trained experts in the field will never see SERIOUS $

So be cautious!

Oh and, I might write a local piece on AI in Toronto. Or maybe even on the theme of AI in Canada. Stay tuned…

Aly Kamadia is Editor-In-Chief of iDose. To learn a bit more about Kamadia, click on our editor section

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