KAMADIA – Public Impeachment Hearings Begin: Expect Trump to Win

"Trump commanded so much influence that as many observed, the 'Republican Party' had ceased to exist, and a more accurate name for the group would have been the 'Trump Party'," writes Aly Kamadia, Editor-In-Chief of iDose (Nov. 13th, 2019)

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KAMADIA – Why Canada is becoming more like TrumpLand

"The masterful economist and shrewd British Statesman, John Maynard Keynes, once remarked: 'Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.' One didn’t need to look further than many of the day’s political capitals to witness politicians in the very shackles that Keynes alluded to," writes Aly Kamadia, Editor-In-Chief of iDose (Oct. 30th, 2019)

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