Very Quick Thoughts on Syria, Trudeau’s Bullet Proof Vest, and last nights US Democratic Debate

Very Quick Thoughts on Syria, Trudeau’s Bullet Proof Vest, and last nights US Democratic Debate

What do I make of Trump’s recent decision to rapidly pull out of Syria?

No matter what your perspective on US engagement in the region, Trump’s decision was irresponsible, and devoid of any tactical thinking let alone strategic vision (hardly surprising). Countless innocent people in the region will suffer. (For those interested in the topic, iDose has posted an essay on the issue this week).

What do I make of Trudeau having to wear a bullet proof vest at a recent campaign event, because of a physical threat?

Relieved that Canada is a country where all major political leaders immediately condemned the threat of violence. Though I can’t say I was surprised by the nature of this most unfortunate incident. Given the political environment that many countries find themselves in, I expect these sort of instances to increase. And yes, that even goes for Canada. (I may write on the topic soon enough). 

What do I make of the Democratic Primary Debate last night?

Besides too many people on stage?

In terms of theatrics, there were no knock out punches or anything of the sort.

Elizabeth Warren came under increased attack, given some polls now have her ranking as number one. And along with Bernie Sanders, they remain the only candidates fighting for systemic change. 

– Aly Kamadia 

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