I was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton: The Economy is Rigged, and only two Democrats have the agenda that’ll beat Trump

"The only way Democrats win is with an agenda of fundamental democratic and economic reform, such as provided by," writes Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor (under Bill Clinton), University of California (Nov 6th, 2019)

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Investigations usually hurt a president’s public reputation – but Trump is hardly ‘usual’

"Investigations often damage a president’s reputation in the public eye – but that may not matter to a historically unpopular president like Trump," write Douglas L. Kriner, Cornell University and Eric Schickler, University of California, Berkeley (Oct. 30th, 2019)

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The same old ‘Leaders’ will not be able to beat Trump in the 2020 Election

"I keep hearing that the Democratic primary is coming down to someone who’s “electable” versus someone who has 'ideas.' This is pure nonsense. Beating Donald Trump requires getting out the vote. And in order to get people to turn out and vote, a presidential candidate has to be inspiring," writes Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor (Clinton administration), University of California (Oct. 16th, 2019)

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