Extreme Economies: Survival, Failure & Future

"An economist who can write so well while at the same time explaining the economic principles so clearly is always a joy. I will admit to being rather envious of..." writes Diane Coyle, Professor at the University of Cambridge. The book is longlisted for the FT & McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award (Oct 2nd, 2019)

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Is the United States on the Verge of a Revolution?

"But after years of teaching on protests, uprisings and revolutions, it seems to me the U.S. is currently showing all the signs political scientists and historians would identify in retrospect as conducive to a revolutionary uprising," writes Serbulent Turan, University of British Columbia (Oct 2nd, 2019)

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Stone Age Myths That We Should Stop Believing

"When most members of the general public think of the Stone Age, they probably envision an adult male hominin wielding a stone tool. That picture is laughably incomplete. It assumes that only adult males made and used stone tools, and that stones were the only materials in these ancient people’s everyday tool kits," writes Steven E. Nash, Denver Museum of Nature and Science (Oct 2nd, 2019)

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KAMADIA – The American Era is Dead. What led to its premature death and can it be resurrected? (Essay)

"The American Era had been buried. Donald Trump's presidency represented its eulogy. The questions that Americans faced were clear: what led to a premature death and could an American era be resurrected?" writes Aly Kamadia, Editor In Chief of iDose (Sept 18th, 2019)

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