Why Tyranny can be the Inevitable Outcome of Democracy

"Plato, one of the earliest thinkers and writers about democracy, predicted that letting people govern themselves would eventually lead the masses to support the rule of tyrants. When I tell my college-level philosophy students that in about 380 B.C. he asked “does not tyranny spring from democracy,” they’re sometimes surprised, thinking it’s a shocking connection," writes Lawrence Torcello, Rochester Institute of Technology (Nov. 27th, 2019)

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Billionaires Declare OPEN War on Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

"The exceedingly wealthy are usually content to stay in the shadows while their combined financial leverage and media power keep top government officials more or less in line. But the grassroots strengths of the Warren and Sanders campaigns have jolted some key oligarchs into overt action," writes Norman Solomon, Institute for Public Accuracy and RootsAction.org (Nov. 13th, 2019)

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