I was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton: Bloomberg is an Oligarch trying to buy the US Presidency

3 minute read "I’m not saying that great wealth should disqualify you from becoming president...The problem lies at the nexus of wealth and power, where those with great wealth use it to gain great power. This is how oligarchy destroys democracy," writes Robert Reich, (former) Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, University of California (Feb. 19th, 2020)

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Think the US is more polarized than ever? You don’t know history

3 minute read "As a historian who has written and taught about the Civil War era for several decades, I know that current divisions pale in comparison to those of the mid-19th century," writes Gary W. Gallagher, University of Virginia (Feb. 19th, 2020)

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An Open Letter to the World Health Organization and American Psychiatric Association

4 minute read Researcher and Clinician, Professor Peter Kinderman (University of Liverpool) has shown exceptional leadership in an open letter to the leaders of the American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization. iDose invites you to not only read this related article, but get involved if you judge it to be constructive (Feb. 19th, 2020)

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A psychiatric diagnosis is far from perfect, but can be more than an unkind ‘label’

7 minute read "When I was training as a clinical psychologist, I had a rotation in a low-cost psychotherapy clinic. Among the first people I met was a young man who believed that he might be responsible for harm coming to his family if he didn’t engage in time-consuming rituals, including arranging his shoes very particularly for up to half an hour," writes Huw Green, University of Cambridge (Feb. 19th, 2020)

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