We Need to Stop Sucking Up to Elites at Davos: They got us into this climate and economic mess, and only we can get ourselves out

"the Davos crowd... will listen to a range of voices and then, feeling proud of themselves, they will go back to doing what the 1 percent carries on doing," writes Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director at The Equality Trust,and a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of York (Jan. 22nd, 2020)

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Automation, the future of work and giraffes

"You’d be absolutely mad not to read this book. It had me in hysterics, while making it super-clear what’s hype and what’s realistic about current and near-future AI," writes Diane Coyle, University of Cambridge (Jan. 22nd, 2020)

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Review: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff

"Zuboff, a professor emerita from Harvard Business School known for her research on information technology in the workplace, set a monumental task for herself," writes Sam DiBella, London School of Economics (Jan. 15th, 2020)

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The Great Game of Trade (Quick review by University of Cambridge scholar Diane Coyle)

"I was persuaded by the Hardings’ argument that the current global situation is very dangerous, threatening economic stability, environmental sustainability and peace. The slow growth or worse will encourage the trends toward populism and authoritarianism, and a spiral into more protectionism," writes Diane Coyle, Professor at the University of Cambridge (Nov. 13th, 2019)

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Job Losses have more to do with Trade Policy than Automation

"The number of manufacturing jobs was little changed from 1970 to 2000. From 2000 to the end of 2007 (before the Great Recession) we lost 3.4 milllion manufacturing jobs as the trade deficit exploded. Fans of logic and arithmetic might think there is a connenction there," writes Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington D.C. (Oct. 23rd, 2019)

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Don’t have the Perfect Job? Don’t worry, there’s no such thing

"When it comes to careers and romantic relationships, we appear to hold to a singular myth: We believe that there is that one perfect job/career or that there is one “right” person who will lead to a “happily ever after.” However, in both cases, this is a myth", writes Ronald E. Riggio, Claremont McKenna College (Oct. 16th, 2019)

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Robots Will Continue To Steal Our Jobs. Here’s How We Should Respond

"It seems not a day goes by without the appearance of another dire warning about the future of work. Some alarmists fear a “robot apocalypse,” while others foresee the day of “singularity” coming when artificial intelligence exceeds human intelligence. Still others warn that income inequality will continue to rise as owners of capital capture more of the benefits of innovations than those who labor for a living," write Thomas Kochan, MIT Sloan School of Management and Elisabeth Reynolds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Oct. 9th, 2019)

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