Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays from the iDose team, including our Editor-In-Chief, Aly Kamadia! iDose will release its next batch of articles in January, stay tuned...

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With Artificial Intelligence, Big Money Wins Again

4 minute read. In this must-read for anyone interested in OpenAI or Artificial Intelligence, Katharina Pistor, Professor of Law at Columbia University, enlightens readers about the forces at play during OpenAI's recent drama, and AI drama more boradly

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Sorry, Stanford Scientist Robert Sapolsky, the “free will” debate is more complicated than you think

5 minute read. The "Free Will versus Determinsm" debate is perhaps as old as our species, and can't be resolved within a few pages. Nevertheless, Adam Piovarchy, from University of Notre Dame Australia, raises fundamental points about what he proposes some scientists miss

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