2020 Presidential Candidates Top $100 Million in Digital Ads. Trump is spending the most $$$ (see what the candidates are spending in this article)

"Trump is by far the top 2020 spender on digital ads overall, too. Billionaire investor Tom Steyer is a distant second with $13.4 million and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg comes in third at $9.3 million," write Anna Massoglia and Karl Evers-Hillstrom, Center for Responsive Politics (Nov. 20th, 2019)

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I was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton: The Economy is Rigged, and only two Democrats have the agenda that’ll beat Trump

"The only way Democrats win is with an agenda of fundamental democratic and economic reform, such as provided by," writes Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor (under Bill Clinton), University of California (Nov 6th, 2019)

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KAMADIA – Why Canada is becoming more like TrumpLand

"The masterful economist and shrewd British Statesman, John Maynard Keynes, once remarked: 'Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.' One didn’t need to look further than many of the day’s political capitals to witness politicians in the very shackles that Keynes alluded to," writes Aly Kamadia, Editor-In-Chief of iDose (Oct. 30th, 2019)

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Investigations usually hurt a president’s public reputation – but Trump is hardly ‘usual’

"Investigations often damage a president’s reputation in the public eye – but that may not matter to a historically unpopular president like Trump," write Douglas L. Kriner, Cornell University and Eric Schickler, University of California, Berkeley (Oct. 30th, 2019)

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