KAMADIA – A note on this week’s issue

KAMADIA – A note on this week’s issue

Note on Jan 8th, 2020 Issue

Anyone who is mindful of human affairs can find a number of unfortunate circumstances that are unfolding in the world.

A current example in international affairs is that history may be authoring a new chapter in US-Iranian relations.

Hours before this is being written, the Iranians gave a military response (i.e. attack on Iraqi airbase) to President Trump’s idiotic and foolish decision to assassinate one of their highest ranking officials (many have said Qasem Soleimani was the second most powerful man in Iran). Trump is expected to give a formal statement tomorrow morning (i.e. Wednesday morning) 

In this week’s newsletter, I indicated that we here at iDose have our fingers crossed for de-escalation and peace.

Though I’m hardly naive.

And as a result of having a functioning brain, I am of the strong view that it would be the height of stupidity for the United States to engage in yet another war in the Middle East. So readers can expect iDose to cover the matter accordingly (if the particular events merit coverage in this publication).

And while this week’s batch of articles (including those on the subject of current affairs) were authored before the most recent Iranian response a few hours ago, they are nevertheless just as relevant by virtue of their thoughtfulness – Aly Kamadia

Update: Later Wednesday, iDose has added an extra article on the subject of US-Iran, authored by the same distinguished scholar who wrote the initially featured one. While both are well worth reading, the updated one was written after the Iranian military response on Tuesday night (EST)

Note: “the Iranians gave a military response to”… has been amended to “the Iranians gave a military response (i.e. attack on Iraqi airbase)…” so the reader is clear that the sentence does not, in any way, shape or form refer to the civilian plane incident. 

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