Is Netanyahu’s “fanaticism” one cause of Israel’s new war?

Is Netanyahu’s “fanaticism” one cause of Israel’s new war?

By Aly Kamadia, Editor-In-Chief, iDose

Unfortunate horror has erupted once again in the Middle East.

Many iDose readers have been glued to their TV screens and social media these past few days, as Israel has declared war against Hamas for its ruthless attack.

While iDose isn’t scheduled to release its October issue, we are seizing this opportunity to feature an excellent, albeit brief assessment on these most tragic events.

iDose readers will recognize the name of the article’s author, Shlomo Ben-Ami, who is a former Israeli foreign minister and historian.

In the piece, Ben-Ami accuses Netanyahu’s government of being the “most radical and incompetent government in Israel’s history”.

The former foreign minister states that, given its reckless policy, “Netanyahu’s fanatical government made bloodshed inevitable.”

The historian also goes to the extent of comparing some of Netanyahu’s current propaganda to conspiracy theories disseminated by the Nazis in the 1920s and 1930s.

In addition to his criticisms of Netanyahu and his “fanatics”, the article comments on a host of issues, including Israel’s security failures and the question of what’s next.

It’s a must-read, and intellectuals like Ben-Ami ought to be applauded.

They are a beautiful contrast to the many clowns in Western broadcast media (particularly U.S.), who suffer from the delusion that they are in the business of journalism.    

Click here to read the article


Aly Kamadia
Editor-In-Chief, iDose
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