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iDose Newsletter: Age of Viruses

By Aly Kamadia, Editor-In-Chief, iDose

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October 2nd, 1:15 AM update: The following newsletter was published on the evening of September 29th, a few days before President Trump has been reported to have tested positive for Covid-19

Dear Readers,

Doesn’t it seem like we’re living through a moment infested by viruses with no antidotes?

In my home country of Canada, Covid-19 has re-emerged and might be thumping on our doors louder than the first time.

Many Canadians may soon find themselves dragged into a Covid-induced lockdown – a necessary measure if the situation deteriorates with no vaccine presenting itself.  

Of course, not every country has the luxury of having a selfish and unethical (Canadian) Prime Minister who has never displayed the slightest hint of intellectual depth.

Some nations are much more cursed and have ‘leaders’ that even the most vocal atheists would describe as blatantly evil. 

Many Americans, as an example, are sick to their stomachs while pointing to the walking and talking virus known as President Trump, who once again declared in Tuesday’s debate that he will not leave office even if he loses the election.  

There is also the potential virus of Trumpism lingering even after the current president leaves.

And no reader should get the impression that Trumpism is unique to America. The global virus of populism remains alive and well. 

Indeed, if we throw other viruses into the mix, such as the existential threat of climate change, one can’t help but be reminded of a quote that is attributed (perhaps incorrectly) to the late philosopher and statesman Niccolo Machiavelli, particularly when thinking about many of the so called ‘leaders’ of our time.

“It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles”.   

Aly Kamadia
Editor-In-Chief, iDose
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