Intellectual Dose is a non-commercial, registered Canadian NGO dedicated to educating the public on a host of issues. iDose Magazine is our first medium for doing so.
The internet is flooded with fake news propaganda, people overestimating their level of knowledge stupidity, and normal business practices websites created with the help of scientists to keep you addicted and sell your precious private data.
In an age with all of the above, with information overload and deception awaiting you at every corner, you need a trusted source. Along with offering up doses of intellectual stimulation featuring some of the sharpest minds on the planet, we’re here to be a friend you can count on.
As of late November 2020, iDose will be publishing on a monthly basis (i.e. rather than weekly)
At the current moment, we are not accepting any submissions.
Though in special circumstances, if you feel the iDose community would benefit from your work, please contact us by email. Click here for the contact page.