Founding Editor-In-Chief
Aly Kamadia
Founding Editor-In-Chief: Aly Kamadia
Welcome to iDose Magazine!
As the Founding Editor of iDose Magazine, some of you might be wondering why I decided to create it.
The decision was simple: Spreading the words of thoughtful people remains a crucial service to society.

I’m mindful that most people don’t read, at least for leisure. I know that among the few who do, a good number only engage with fiction (which we don’t feature). And even for those who read non-fiction, very few pick up the heavier readings.
Along with the reality of most people not engaging with serious non-fiction, I firmly believe that we are living through a period in which propaganda, fake news and deception have been heightened, and are getting the best of many of us.
Thus creating an online publication with global reach was an easy decision. With all the garbage on the internet and malicious algorithms targeting you (many designed to addict), there’s always more space for reasonable voices.
Admittedly, I remain a skeptic at heart. Waging a war on human stupidity is not one we can ultimately win.
But many of the victorious battles author a sense of justice in society, which is something that iDose is glad to be a part of.
So I continue to welcome our global readership to trust iDose as a place where we remain allergic to BS.
Aly Kamadia is Editor-In-Chief of iDose. He also remains Director of Kamadia & Associates.