What do I think of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg?
He’s a moron. One with some technical skills who got EXTREMELY LUCKY in founding what is now one of the most powerful companies on the planet. It also doesn’t help that he’s acting dangerously.
To the first point, though Zuckerberg has refined technical skills (which tend to peak in your younger years), there’s no shortage of evidence revealing him to be quite the idiot. One of his most impressive moments of stupidity was in an interview in which Zuckerberg invited and prepared for with (popular) historian Yuval Noah Harari. Harari wasn’t even trying to make him look like an idiot, but it was the inevitable outcome of Zuckerberg discussing elementary topics on human affairs. Look up the interview on Youtube if you’re in the mood for a lengthy video. (On a side note, it’s an excellent example of why the humanities are still very relevant in higher education).
What’s more problematic is that the very moment that the United States is concerned with foreign interference in their election, with hate speech being spread that causes harm, Zuckerberg apparently sees no problem with allowing his platform to spread it. In fact, he’s doing some cheap PR campaign about free speech (Yours Truly is completely for free speech) that a smart high school debater could debunk.
So my problem isn’t just that he’s acting like a moron. My problem is that he’s acting like a DANGEROUS moron. Which is why a lot of lawmakers are going after him (which you can see a glimpse of in this week’s video) – Aly Kamadia
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