By Aly Kamadia, Editor-In-Chief, iDose
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Dear Readers,
Trump is back and moving at a swift pace, which means very different things to different people.
On one end of the spectrum, he is seen as an existential threat to democracy, though this time he brings four years of experience to the role before assuming office again.
On the other end, tens of millions of devout Christians sincerely believe that the God of monotheism has sent Trump down to restore His Kingdom.
The latter perspective immediately explains Trump’s victory: It is what God intended for a grander plan.
But for those of us who do not believe that Trump was ushered in by divine forces to restore the Lord’s Kingdom, it’s perfectly legitimate to ask: How did Trump win, again?
In the past eight years, the mainstream media hasn’t bothered to seriously investigate and discuss this question.
Rather, they framed Trump’s 2016 victory as a unique moment that would never repeat itself again in American history – despite global movements away from democracy.
With this in mind, I am posting an article ahead of iDose Magazine’s next issue that deals with the questions of why and how Trump won.
While I believe that it is premature to pronounce the death of American democracy, the distinguished Yale philosopher, Jason Stanley, provides a must-read analysis that I’m confident many of you will enjoy.
Aly Kamadia
Editor-In-Chief, iDose
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